Shipment Confirmation and Order Tracking

  • You will receive a shipment confirmation email once your order has been shipped containing your tracking number(s).
  • The tracking number will be active within 24 hours.

Customs, Duties, and Taxes

  • lpart shop is not responsible for any customs and taxes applied to your order. All fees imposed during or after shipping are the responsibility of the customer (tariffs, taxes, etc.).
  • Shipping Methods
  • We offer several shipping methods to accommodate your preferences and delivery needs. The available shipping methods may include:
  • Standard Shipping: Estimated delivery within 4-8 business days.
  • Please note that shipping times are estimates and may vary based on factors such as product availability, order volume, and shipping destination.


  • lpart shop is not liable for any products damaged or lost during shipping. If you received your order damaged, please contact the shipment carrier or our support team directly to file a claim.

Returns Policy

  • Our Return & Refund Policy provides detailed information about options and procedures for returning your order.


  • If you have any questions about the shipping policy, please contact us by Email.